Front Row Insurance Brokers

Frequently Asked Questions

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Once a policy is purchased, policy changes can be made HERE. These changes will be sent to our help desk and processed manually and will then be reflected on your policy. A $25 fee will apply to changes that result in additional premium. 

**Coverage Territory: Limited Worldwide - Anywhere in the world with the exception of any country or jurisdiction which is subject to trade or other economic sanction or embargo by the governments of Canada, the United Kingdom or the United States of America.

Full coverage for Earthquake & Flood

$10,000 Office Contents Coverage - office furniture, fixtures, photocopiers, office supplies, including tenant improvements done to the office space. This would be for a home office/studio or small rented office/studio space. Please contact us if higher limits are needed.

$10,000 Rental Reimbursement - If any Musical Instruments or Equipment that is insured is lost or damaged by a covered cause of loss, the insurer will reimburse you for the reasonable rental expense you incur to rent substitute property necessary to continue your operations while the insured gear is being repaired or in the process of being replaced.

$5,000 Computer Hardware/software/extra expense coverage - pays to help maintain normal operations following direct physical loss or damage to covered property at an insured location by a covered cause of loss. Pays extra expenses that are over and above your normal operating costs and that are directly related to your covered loss.

$10,000 up to 30-days: newly acquired Instruments/ equipment - automatic coverage for equipment that is newly purchased or acquired atomically, even if those items have not yet been added to the policy.

$10,000 up to 30-days: Borrowed Instruments/Equipment - provides coverage for instruments/equipment that are borrowed or non-owned while being used as a replacement for insured gear that is damages or stolen

$5,000. Valuable Papers - reimburses the cost to replace or reproduce valuable documents such as trusts or business records, corporate agreements, contracts and charters in the event of a covered loss.

$5,000 Accounts Receivable - covers the loss of revenue owed to the insured musician by their customers that they cannot collect because of damage to their business records in the event of a covered loss.

Built-in Inflation Guard on Instruments & Equipment - if the value of an insured equipment or instrument increases in value from the time it is first reported, the insured values will automatically increase accordingly.

$5,000 Business Income / Extra Expense Coverage - covers the additional expenses incurred due to a covered loss, including the loss of business income.

An example of this coverage would be: An artist is a music teacher and their instruments and teaching facility were damaged in a fire. This would cover their cost to rent a temporary location for teaching; and cover lost revenue during the period they were down and could not teach.

A clause in an insurance policy requiring an insured to carry a certain percentage (usually 80, 90 or 100%) of insurance in relation to the value of the property insured. The insured shares in losses to the extent that he is underinsured at the time of loss.  Under the terms of this clause, property must be insured in an amount equal to or exceeding 90% of its insurable value. Failure to do so will result in a penalty in the event of a loss. The manner in which the 90% co-insurance clause would operate is illustrated in the following hypothetical example.  


A) Owned Instruments/Equipment is insured on a replacement cost basis for $60,000.

B) Actual cost to replace the Owned Instruments/Equipment is $100,000.

C) Minimum amount of insurance required to satisfy the 90% co-insurance clause is $90,000. (90% of B)

D) Amount of loss $50,000.  

Application of co-insurance clause:  


Amount of insurance carried   X  Amount of loss / Amount of insurance required    =  Recovery

$60,000. (A)  X  $50,000 (D) / $90,000. (C)  = $33,333.33

This example clearly illustrates the necessity of insurance to value. Note the amount of recovery never exceeds the amount of insurance carried. For this reason it is important to insure for 100% of the insurable value in order to have enough coverage in the event of a total loss.

We offer insurance for music schools in Canada but this would be separate from the instrument insurance online program. Protégé is an insurance product custom-designed for art schools (including music schools) by Front Row Insurance Brokers. Read more about the policy here. This policy can be arranged offline.

We do not have monthly payment options for our online policies.

We do not require a schedule/list of instruments/equipment to be on file to bind coverage under the program. It would be the insured's responsibility to maintain proof of ownership for your records. In the event of a claim, the claims adjuster would require the proof of ownership.

For vintage instruments: If you’ve had them appraised, then we need the appraisals.

Below is a breakdown of how instruments and equipment are valued under this insurance program:

  • Replacement Cost, except if agreed value is requested. The cost of repairing or replacing the damaged property without deduction for depreciation.  Replacement cost will pay for the smallest of the following:

  • 1. The amount you actually spend in repairing the damage,

  • 2. The amount it would cost to replace the lost or damaged property at the time of the loss with new property of similar kind and quality to be used for the same purpose.

  • 3. The limit of coverage that applies to the property. Payment will be made once the property has actually been replaced. Because replacement costs can vary, we recommend that you round up the value you choose for your equipment limit (e.g., if you estimate the replacement cost of all your gear as $12,756 CAD, select $13,000 as your equipment limit). Note: mid-term changes to your policy limits are subject to a $25 change fee. If you know that you will be acquiring new equipment during your policy term, you may wish to include the value of this equipment in your limit total. The equipment limit represents the maximum amount that the insurance company will pay for any one claim. It limits the amount that you could receive from a paid claim. It should be adequate to cover the replacement costs of every item insured under the policy.

  • Agreed Value: If agreed value is requested, a current appraisal less than 5 years old must be provided. To maintain agreed value an updated appraisal must be provided every 5 years.

**If you want to insure antique, rare or one-of-a-kind instruments, we recommend that you contact our office to arrange a quote for these items to be insured on an agreed value basis. As an owner of these unique items, you may not be satisfied with a new instrument of comparable material and quality replacing your antique, rare or one-of-a-kind instrument.

Example: if you own a vintage Les Paul guitar that is appraised at $25,000 and you do not request that your instrument be valued based on agreed value, the policy would only provide you with a new Les Paul guitar of comparable material and quality used for the same purpose in the event of an insured loss. In order to make sure that you could replace your vintage guitar with another vintage guitar of same value as your original appraised guitar, you need to contact our office to arrange a custom quote and provide a copy of an appraisal that is less than 5 years old.

Front Row's musical instrument insurance program offers discounted rates for music professionals who are Canadian residents and members of select music associations. If you're not a current member of any of the associations listed in the "Music Association" dropdown, you are still eligible to purchase coverage, but without the membership discount. If you're a member of a music association that isn't listed in the dropdown, please tell us about the association and we might be able to add it to the program.

Touring is defined as a series of pre-scheduled performances in different cities, performed by an artist of group over a series of weeks of months. “Touring” has a scheduled start and stop date and the band/musician are responsible for booking the venues in which they perform.

Please see our music tour liability page.

Yes, your owned musical instruments and equipment are insured while on tour.

The music touring exclusion is only applicable to any liability coverages under your policy. If you require liability insurance related to a tour, please contact our office.

To be considered as classical musician, the applicant must be a full-time classical musician and not affiliated with any other type of music in a professional capacity. 

This coverage is designed to protect the Named Insured against all sums that they shall become legally obligated to pay as compensatory damages resulting from an insured claim for bodily injury, property damage or personal injury to third parties arising out of the operations as a professional musician. It includes the cost of a lawyer to defend you. 

The Commercial General Liability coverage offered through the program would not be intended to cover touring exposure. A tour is defined as a series of pre-scheduled performances in different cities, performed by an artist or group over a series of weeks or months. A tour has a scheduled start and stop date and the band/musician is responsible for booking the venues in which they perform. If you are a touring band/musician, please see our music tour liability page. The musical tour exclusion does not apply to insured property and musical instruments.

This Commercial General Liability policy provides coverage for claims arising from a personal recording studio. This Commercial General Liability policy excludes claims arising from the operation of a commercial recording studio with annual revenues of $100,000 or more. Operators of commercial recording studios with annual revenues of $100,000 or more can use StudioPolicy to buy a policy online.

This policy excludes liability arising out of the use of motor vehicles, aircraft (including UAV and drones) or watercraft.

Commercial General Liability also includes coverage for Tenants Legal Liability (coverage for your professionally used rented premises) and Employers Liability (Canadian employees only) equal to the Commercial General Liability limits chosen. The Commercial General Liability / Tenants Legal Liability coverages would not apply to personal residence or any activities outside of those of professional equipment operator.

This policy is subject to the Field of Entertainment endorsement.

The Equipment deductible is $250 per claim. This applies to any one incident, not per item.

The Named Insured has special rights and duties. These rights and duties are explained in the policy wording.  The Named Insured should be the owner of the property to be insured, and liability coverage (if purchased) would only apply to the insured operations of the Named Insured.  If you are unsure how to complete this section, please contact our office BEFORE purchasing coverage.


If you are applying as an individual, please list your full legal name in the Named Insured box.  ie Jane Susan Doe

Partnership or Joint Venture

If you are applying as a Partnership or Joint Venture, please list you and your partners or co-venturers’ full legal names.  Ie Jane Susan Doe and John James Smith

Trade Name/Unincorporated Company   

If you are applying as a company that is not incorporated, please list your full legal name and your unincorporated company name by including the acronym dba (doing business as).  An example of how to correctly list your name in this scenario is below:

Jane Susan Doe dba ABC Music Company


If you are applying as a Corporation, please list the full legal name of your corporation including the company’s designation (Inc. Ltd, Corp. etc) ie ABC Music Company Inc.

A commercial recording studio is a specialized facility for recording and mixing of instrumental or vocal musical performances, spoken words, and other sounds whose intention is to take in revenue and turn a profit. 

A personal recording studio is a specialized facility for recording and mixing of instrumental or vocal musical performances, spoken words, and other sounds used strictly by you, and not rented/loaned/used by third parties for a fee.


The policy territory for instruments is limited worldwide.  This means that there is coverage anywhere in the world with the exception of any country or jurisdiction which is subject to trade or other economic sanction or embargo by the governments of Canada, the United Kingdom or the United States of America.


Coverage Territory (excluding Non-Owned Automobile Liability) applies anywhere in the world with the exception of any country or jurisdiction which is subject to trade or economic sanction or embargo by the governments of Canada, the United Kingdom or the United States of America. In jurisdictions where the insurer may be prevented by law from paying damages or defending lawsuits they will indemnify you.

This is the cost of repairing or replacing the damaged property without deduction for depreciation. Replacement cost will pay for the smallest of the following:

  1. The amount you actually spend in repairing the damage,

  2. The amount it would cost to replace the lost or damaged property at the time of the loss with new property of similar kind and quality to be used for the same purpose.

  3. The limit of coverage that applies to the property. Payment will be made once the property has actually been replaced.

The musical equipment and instruments under this policy are covered under an Inland Marine coverage form. Meaning, the coverage is included while in your studio/office/home for storage, while in transit* to and from your gigs, and while being used away from your premises anywhere in the world**

Note that there is no coverage for property while rented, leased or loaned to others;

The policy contains a LOCKED VEHICLE WARRANTY that reads as follows:

This clause does not apply to property which is under the control of a common carrier. Warranted by the Insured that any vehicle in which the property insured is carried is equipped with a fully enclosed metal body or compartment, and the Insurer shall be liable in case of loss by theft from an unattended vehicle only as a direct result of forcible entry (of which there shall be visible evidence) into such body or compartment the doors and windows of which shall have been securely locked.

Equipment is insured anywhere in the world, with the exception of any country or jurisdiction which is subject to trade or other economic sanction or embargo by the government of Canada, the UK or the United States.


We often get the question, “Where do I upload my photos/list of my insured equipment?” …actually, we do not require an equipment list for our files, but it is a requirement that insurance clients have an equipment list that can be supplied to the insurer in the event of a claim.

How should this equipment list be assembled? There is no one “official” or “proper” way of doing it. Simply create a spreadsheet and document all the information you feel necessary to keep track of your gear.